Thursday 6 July 2023


* I never had any of these although Richard might remind me of a conversation I had with him in the university cafe many years ago. I pointed out many different young women as being my girlfriends. He was understandably sceptical and I had to admit that I would have liked them to be my girlfriends and highlighted each of their merits. The reality is that if I hadn't been so shy and actually talked to them one or more might have become a real girlfriend.

My youngest sister used to have an imaginary friend or friends. I remember once overhearing her talking to someone. When I peeped into the room she was in she had a blackboard set up and was tutoring  someone who wasn't there. A bit weird. She was about  8 or 9 at the time.

Richard has imaginary friends or alter egos on his blog although he may have had a falling out with them as they haven't been in evidence recently. I've mentioned this in past posts you know:






There are more but I don't want to appear as a crank.

You will have seen that I write my wittering (Robert's unkind description of my erudite posts) under the names of several different 'Curmudgeons'. I wish to point out that these are NOT alter-egos. This is a literary device to make it easier for the more confused reader to understand the theme of the post posted. Understand? The various Curmudgeon 'themes' are incorporated under an overarching banner thus:

Robert the apathetic sanctimonious sinner, toilet cleaner, threatener of eternal damnation, music snob and sucker (don't ask) doesn't seem to have alter ego blogs preferring to incorporate all his madness into his rather long-winded name.

Regular readers might have noticed that I give a bit of stick to Robert when he bangs on about religion, churches, Catholicism, Mass, Catholic Apologists and all of that made up stuff and then it came to me - (not the Holy Ghost) - that these are Robert's imaginary friends. Eureka.

I think I'll be a bit more understanding in the future.


Richard (of RBB) said...


I'm confused.


Ask one of your imaginary friends.