Tuesday 18 July 2023


We're back from the mountains and the coast after a great trip on the Transalpine Express and walks to the glaciers and Punakaiki rocks. I'll write some posts on this when I'm back in Auckland. Meanwhile - do you remember this that I wrote back in February?


I promised to add a ChatGPT response to the odd posts and then promptly forgot about it.

I was reminded of this when I re-read Richard's latest (even though it's now days old) post which still didn't make a lot of sense. I decided to ask ChatGPT what it was all about. Here's my question and following, the AI response:

Fair enough, that explained it nicely. It wasn't really a big ask of ChatGPT though as Richard, while 'slipping into the realms of fantasy'  usually does make sense. I thought that a bigger challenge for AI would come from one of Robert's narratives.

I asked ChatGPT this:

AI answered with this:

Well - whoopdy do. Old AI is on to it. You know what? I think that it would be better for Robert to write his posts to ChatGPT as it seems to understand him better and writes nice comments at the end of its response like this:
"Overall, the message encourages resilience, growth, and the understanding that life's journey is one of progress and learning".

Well done that man ... er, thing. 


Richard (of RBB) said...

Are the comments rolling in?

Richard (of RBB) said...

Not really.

Richard (of RBB) said...

A pathetic post.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

A great post, glad you are back.
Feel free to use chatGPT when you comment on my blog! I love it.