Wednesday 4 August 2021


 * I'm not a U2 fan and I doubt that you are so won't provide a link to Bono's gyrations but their song did come into my head this morning. We awoke to blue skies and sunshine which was just as well because:

The house is full of tradesmen this morning who are measuring inside and out.

The Old Girl wants windows and doors replaced.

If it was me I'd just let nature take its course and let the window and door surrounds continue to rot and fall apart - its an old house after all.

She has different ideas though so we will go ahead and:

  • Replace three of the east-side sash windows with aluminium inserts.
  • Replace the north facing bedroom windows with French door inserts
  • Replace the kitchen French doors with aluminium inserts.

I had a rough estimate made a few weeks back and it seemed OK so we organised to get the builder and the  window provider around to do detailed measurements and draw up a plan. These guys really know what they're doing, unlike me and have come up with a great solution.
Instead of tearing out all of the existing fittings, which is a big job and would mean losing a lot of the villa character, they will work with inserts inside the original flashings and architraves. This will look better and ..... will be cheaper! The window guy has experience with renovating old villas so his suggestion was welcomed. He was the guy who planned and built the excellent back porch door so we trust him.

It will take a month or so to have the fittings made so, with luck, we should be all done by the end of September.

I'll do an update post then.*

* But can provide you with weekly updates if you want. Just ask.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Yes please, weekly updates. This could be as big as the Windows series.

Now my life has purpose.


Ye, thanks and it is about wind ........ hey! Are you being sarcastic?

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Yes he is! I think you both need to get back to your mother the Latin Catholic church.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Yes, and Brother Benedict and Father Minto. Fuck off Robert.


"The Latin Church was in full communion with what is referred to as the Eastern Orthodox Church until the East-West schism of Rome and Constantinople in 1054. From that time, but also before it, it became common to refer to Western Christians as Latins in contrast to Byzantines or Greeks." - Wikipedia.

I knew that as, at one time, I studied the history of the catholic church and the Schism but thought that a quote from Wikipedia would have more gravitas (a Latin reference there for those who didn't make the P classes at college).

Going by the claptrap that Robert espouses (another little joke there) I think I'd rather have been on the side of the Eastern Orthodox division (they have better hats).

As a side note though I wonder if Robert knows that Constantinople was once named Byzantium and is now named Istanbul?

Richard (of RBB) said...

Istanbul was Constantinople,
Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople,
Been a long time gone, has Constantinople,
Still, it's Turkish Delight on a moonlit night.

Every gal in Constantinople
Lives in Istanbul, not Constantinople so
If you've a date in Constantinople,
She'll be waiting in Istanbul.

I could go on and tell you about old New York.


OK, go on.