Tuesday 31 August 2021


 We each had our second Pfizer Coronavirus-19 shot yesterday. It was very well organised and speedy. This time, I guess because of the lockdown, it was done as a drive-through.

With the first one I had no complications and, apart from a slightly sore arm for the second one there was nothing amiss until ....... last night my tinnitus was so bad it sounded like a jet engine roaring in my head. I also went deaf in one ear and could hardly hear out the other. It was maddening.

I suffer from tinnitus but usually the noise in my head is a cross between whistling and a running cistern. Sometimes it sounds like cicadas. I'm used to it but last night it was really disturbing.

The Old Girl suggested that it could be due to the vaccine, an idea that I immediately poo-poohed.

When she left the room though I checked on the internet and, sure enough, in trials of the different vaccines, Pfizer and another had a side effect of causing temporary tinnitus or exacerbating that experienced by those who already have it.  I apologised to The Old Girl.

Today, after a good night's sleep my hearing has returned and the tinnitus is back to its normal level.



Richard (of RBB) said...

Take it easy old chap.


All good today.
I'll risk a wine.
The Auckland storm has just hit up here.


Damn, I forgot to tell you what we're having for dinner.
I'm preparing a chicken, leek and potato pie.

I guess Robert is having mashed spuds again.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Yes that's all some can afford down here in lock down. I'm blessed to have lamb cutlets as well.

