Monday 23 August 2021





  ....... read the signs written  in large print I saw attached to  a fence outside a field on my way into town this morning.

"Whaa...?" I said to myself, braking from the (just a tad over) 100 K.P.H. I was going at.

"Bastard" I thought (I don't always talk to myself)  "I'll sort that out on my way back."

I continued into town, shopping at Countdown, Bin Inn and Mobil for essentials and headed back home. After the 50 K.P.H. section ended and the 100 K.P.H. started I slowed down and prepared to pull over.

I was all set to park the car, cross the road (with care as it is 100 K.P.H.) and tear down the offensive (to me anyway) signs. I coasted along. But.....they were gone. Bastards!

Well, not 'bastards' as in the bastards who put the sign up but 'bastards' as in someone beat me to do what I'd psyched myself up to do .... you know what I mean ..... um ...... oh, I've got tears welling up here. There are people who care. Whooee.!

I feel good about that.

We have so many idiots in this country that ....... no, I'll back up on that. We probably have the same percentage of idiots in this country as in any country in the world. Because we only have a 5 million population we obviously have fewer idiots than say, America has but ....... anyway, you know what I mean.

Our country is in lockdown. We have, somehow, allowed a contaminated person to come in from Australia with the dangerous Delta variant of Covid-19 which, in a week is threatening to rip through the country. At best we could, in another week be reporting contacts, infections and deaths in the numbers that New South Wales is reporting. At worst we could end up like USA, UK or India. 

What the fuck does someone who puts up stupid signs like that think they are doing?



Drawing our attention to things we should know about?

If they are so clever and have the health and welfare of the country at heart shouldn't they put them selves up for election to local council or national government? Maybe join local citizens bodies, charities and people who are doing voluntary good works?


Idiots like this wave banners, troll on social network sites and put up banners on fences. I'll have a look again in a few days if I happen to go into town again.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Just not too many chilled red wines. It's almost your bedtime.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Okay, okay, I know what you're on about. Look, there will always be idiots. There were idiots in 1966. Don't let it get you down. We have idiots in our street. The important thing is to keep them to a minimum.