Tuesday 3 August 2021


Two nights ago we were woken after midnight by the neighbourhood fire station siren sounding.  

The fire tender headed out to an event that we assumed was a car crash. It wasn't - see: FISHERMAN RESCUE

It all ended well but I do wonder at the stupidity of some people who put themselves (and others) at risk. It was a stormy night.

My eye was caught by this statement in the report:

"Despite the conditions, the fisherman was successfully winched to safety without a hitch and airlifted to Whangārei Hospital."

The dictionary describes a hitch as:
"a knot of a particular kind, typically one used for fastening a rope to something else."

I wonder how they did that?



Richard (of RBB) said...

It also means, "Without anything going wrong."


Yes, but that spoils a good story.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Not really my problem.


Yes but need I remind you of the quote from you in the Accolades section to the right of the Home page of this blog?

An updated accolade from Richard:

Hello all. I really like this blog. The quality, humour and professionalism gives me something to strive for in my own blog. Recently I've run out of ideas and have reverted to writing long and boring posts on violin playing. I wish that I could create blog posts as fresh and interesting as The Curmudgeon's.

- Richard of Richard's Bass Bag

Richard (of RBB) said...

Well, at least you have a better appreciation of Paganini than Robert.
Thanks for that.

ps. I hear that Robert is taking trumpet lessons as we speak.


I assume that it's his own.