Monday 30 August 2021


.... I asked The Old Girl last night.

"You got a PlayStation 4 and some PS4 games" she replied, indignantly. 

"I just sold those on Trade Me" I said.

"Oh" she replied.

"So, what's for my birthday?" 

That riveting dialogue went on last night after I sold the PS4  console and the games I bought on Trade Me over the last few weeks.

I found that the action games (first person shooter) were making me feel ill - a syndrome called 'Gaming Sickness'. See my previous post: HERE

The Red Dead Redemption Two game I bought separately turned out to be a technical nightmare in trying to load the thing. On-line referencing showed that many others have had the same issue. As I decided I wasn't going to buy any more PS4 games I thought I might as well get rid of the lot or, 'throw my toys out of the cot" as The Old Girl referred to it.

All I wanted to do was to get my money back so I set the 'Buy Now' prices to reflect this and to cover the courier cost, Ping commission and Trade Me sell fees. I came out a few dollars ahead but retained the excellent PlayStation headphones that came with the console I bought. These are great and, checking on-line I discovered that those alone were worth about $140. I'm most pleased.

I set up the sales yesterday afternoon - one for the console and attachments and the other for the four PS4 games and immediately there were people viewing, saving and asking questions on them. Both were sold last night. Beauty.

So, what's for my birthday?

1 comment:

Richard (of RBB) said...

I don't know. Buy a bass.