Sunday 6 March 2022


 I was sitting in the study typing an irreverent post under the guise of The Curmudgeon's Agony Aunt in which I was saying some rude things about Catholicism when - BANG - a bird slammed into the window.

"Bloody hell" I thought "not the Holy Ghost?" Sometimes thoughts can be irrational and can draw from deeply repressed Catholic teachings.

I looked out the window and saw a kingfisher sitting on the driveway close to the house. It looked rather upset. I quickly went outside to rescue it.

The kingfisher was stunned and was just sitting, with its beak open, gathering its wits. I sat with it for several minutes hoping that it would recover as other birds have in the past. Eventually it roused itself and flew away. I watched where it went - to the powerline at the front of the house where it sat for another few minutes before leaving for, I guess, its nest.

It was a good outcome for all - for the kingfisher who hopefully is OK and for me who hasn't had the Holy Ghost sent to shit all over me.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Good on you. Shelley makes me even rescue trapped flies. I've gotten pretty good at it.

Anonymous said...

I avoid hurting spiders when cleaning houses...I like the image and I copied the seven gifts of the Spiritus Sanctus.