Saturday 12 March 2022


 So, it's come down to this.

I watch films and TV series on networks like Netflix, Neon, Amazon/Prime etc. and notice that the modern or new productions are obviously produced and directed by younger (than me) people who did their 'apprenticeships' producing video games.

The story lines are fatuous, continuity is ignored and dialogue is just a series of mumbles, grunts and short comments. Loud music overrides it all.

War too seems to be based on video game platforms as troops are trained nowadays using video based instruction formats. Who can forget the images of the Russian tank formation in Ukraine being destroyed by rockets launched by drones:  HERE

Anyone who has played war games on PlayStation or X-Box will find this to be quite familiar, horrible as it might be.

Now, my concern is Robert, a man well into his sixties buying the latest PS5 machine and indulging in these fantasies. Is he in training for something?


Richard (of RBB) said...

All very well but wine growers are having problems with the weather and staffing.

Richard (of RBB) said...

This comment was removed by Angry God.