Saturday 16 April 2022


 I had set an alert on Trade Me for an old kauri cupboard that we could use to store clothes.

I waited until 5 minutes before closing and put in an auto-bid up to $614. This was chased down and exceeded so, with the extended minute and a half to spare I checked on the competitive bidder and saw that he was a trader. I then adjusted the auto-bid (twice) to $1254. He chased me down and put in a $1400 bid I decided we didn't want the cupboard that much so let it go.

I'd decided that a dealer knew the value of the cupboard (circa 1900) and would be on-selling it for more so that is why I bid way above my comfort zone. Of course the other bidder might have been an auction junkie like me and had a rush of blood to his head. The seller will be happy though as when I entered the bidding it was at $395.

I clicked on the 'similar items' button on Trade Me and up popped a kauri dresser that was closing in 7 minutes. There were no bidders but a start price of $199.

I called The Old Girl and she liked the look of it so I put in a relatively high auto-bid of $567. No one else bid so we got it for $199.

As I was about to contact the seller I looked at his 'other listings' and there was an oak wardrobe at action - closing in 5 minutes.

I quickly called The Old Girl and we checked the other photos, the listing and used the measurements to see if it would fit in the bedroom - it will - so I quickly put in an auto-bid of $653. This time there were other bidders but I'd put my bid in a couple of minutes before closing and managed to buy at $405. The Old Girl is happy.

I'm happy too as we get two pieces of classic furniture for less than we were going to spend for one piece and they both come from the same seller. I checked his address on-line and there is plenty of turning room for a car and trailer. It's just as well that Geoff is staying with us this weekend as I'll shanghai him to help me collect them.

All good.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Sheesh! to that!


Old Aunty Grammar is on holiday is she?

Richard (of RBB) said...

No, I went for a lower case 't' because 'Sheesh!' is a holy word and the exclamation mark belongs to the word. Read The Dribble...
Bert 22:34 And as The Blessed Curmudgeon uttered a frustration a holy word was spoken and the mark of surprise was part of the word, not a mere punctuation. Henceforth no capital was required as He spieled on. Sheesh! and the world was at peace.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Unfortunately your sentence should have read, "Old Aunty Grammar is on holiday, is she?" There's no mention of that phrase in The Dribble.


I think you should go back to bed.
Really, I think you should go back bed ..... hey! That sounds like a good mantra or prayer The Blessed Curmudgeon could adopt for his church.
" Say 10 'I think you should go back to beds' plus one 'Blessed is the Blessed Curmudgeon ' before sending in your tithe.

