Wednesday 6 April 2022


 * No, not me, as you know The Curmudgeons Inc.ⓒ is a serious and valuable information source for readers who are too stupid too lazy incapable of following news from other reliable sources. No I mean this fool:

 Māori Party co-leader Rawiri Waititi



Māori Party co-leader Rawiri Waititi has suggested lowering the New Zealand Superannuation age for Māori to 57 — eight years lower than the current requirement.

The Waiariki MP says the move would be justified because, on average, Māori have shorter lifespans than Pākehā.

          - NZHerald 6 April 2022 


I'm pleased that we have a Maori Party in our New Zealand parliamentary system regardless of the fact that it's creation came from a 'dummy spitting' tantrum thrown by Maori leaders who were in disagreement with the Labour Government (and the Labour Party - the very party that has Maori best interests at heart) over the Foreshore and Seabed Act 2004, and I'm happy with some of the bills and suggestions put forward by them but this latest from Waititi is just plain rubbish. Fortunately there are other more intelligent and more sensible people in Parliament who have different views:

Social Development Minister Carmel Sepuloni said the Government has "ruled out" changes to NZ Super while Māori Development Minister Willie Jackson said lifting life expectancy for Māori should be the focus.

Waititi is in danger of turning off the majority of New Zealanders when making outrageous suggestions like this. Sure, he could say that he is merely being a 'devil's advocate' in raising the issue but really, all he is doing is negating any good and hard work done by the party and putting them in the loony bin corner. 


Richard (of RBB) said...

Where's Sparky?


Off somewhere with Gossamer I guess.

Richard (of RBB) said...

The jokes around here are so good!



Jingle, jingle, jangle.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

I'm with Rawiri on this one. I do not understand why Peter is against the idea. Let's help everyone have food and a roof over their heads.

Michael Hammerich said...

A facile comment from Robert. Should I be surprised?


"I'm with Rawiri on this one. I do not understand why Peter is against the idea. Let's help everyone have food and a roof over their heads."

I don't understand this comment from Robert.
The Herald article was about the Maori Party wanting to reduce the Superannuation age for Maori only to 57 because "Maori have shorter lifespans than Pakeha". I am against that. I also, in the post supported the Maori Development Minister who said "lifting life expectancy for Māori should be the focus".

Robert gets carried away in his 'bash the rich' and ''look after the poor' tirades. If he didn't hate Socialism so much I'd think that he was a socialist.