Thursday 7 April 2022



A technology-challenged reader of this blog recently  had the cheek to suggest that I get confused by technology. This from a guy who has to get an IT guy (probably an 8 year old great-niece) in to help him sort out his own computer.

I'm OK thanks ........

...... although today my Apple Air laptop blew up.

It went 'PHHHT' right in the middle of my reading a NZ Herald article on Vladimir Putin. Bloody Russians. The computer went dead and I've tried everything to revive it save taking the back off to fiddle with the battery, the operating system, any odd wire or two and anything shiny that might take my interest. 

I did try to take the back off and do all of those things but I don't have the right screwdriver/tool to get the tiny screws (at least 10 of them) out. I used a sharp knife and managed to get half of them but the rest are very stubborn. Apparently Apple (bloody Apple) have engineered it so that a special tool, probably licensed to Apple dealers, is needed. Bummer. I don't want to take the computer to an IT 'expert' who might open the back (with their special Apple-licensed tool) fiddle with the battery, the operating system, any odd wire or two and anything shiny that might take their interest and charge me $100 for the effort. I'll wait to see if I can buy, beg, steal or borrow the said special tool and fiddle with the battery, the operating system, any odd wire or two and anything shiny that might take my interest, myself. 

In the interim I fossicked through the cupboards and found one of our old HP laptops, one I bought back in 2011 when I was considering becoming a real estate agent (don't laugh). It's a bit out of date but then, so am I. I got it running after upgrading a couple of things and so now am typing out this post on it. I've become so used to the Apple operating system and software that the HP/Microsoft ones are a bit strange to me but I'm sure I'll be able to bumble along. The lap-top is for use in the lounge during those times that I'm 'locked out' of the study when The Old Girl is doing her work, on conference calls and when she doesn't want any distractions (me). When I am allowed in I have the desk-top Mac to use.

Well, that's it really.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Why don't you just read a book? Oh, yes, that's right, you're running a very popular blog.*

* with two readers


Yeah, well,we both have two readers but at least I've got one comment on my latest post that wasn't my own.

Richard (of RBB) said...


Richard (of RBB) said...

Can you leave me a comment please?


I must have missed something - you asked (rather rudely) for me not to comment on your boring post.

Richard (of RBB) said...

A question mark would have been good.

Richard (of RBB) said...

"I must have missed something - you asked (rather rudely) for me not to comment on your boring post."

No, that has all been changed. You're the sort of boring person we want to attract to Richard's Bass Bag!*

* the original bass bagging site