Wednesday 31 August 2022


Our Sunbeam Espresso Vita EM6200 is on the fritz I think.

The pressure seems a bit low and so the hot water only trickles through the coffee in the group handle.
I've followed the instruction booklet's guide and descaled the fittings which meant dismantling it and putting it together. Before you ask - I did manage to put all the components back and had no screws or washers left over.
It may be that the trusty (up until now) machine has had its day.

I looked on-line and discovered this gem:

 No shit Sherlock!
A potential fault diagnosis is - "Your coffee machine does not work at all".

What would we do without the internet?


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

I had the same trouble with my Nescafe version.
I threw it away and used instant coffee.
I hope this helped.


No, not really. Instant coffee is foul.
I'd rather drink dishwater.

Richard (of RBB) said...

I wonder if Sister Joachim ever drank posh coffee?