Saturday 20 August 2022



Was there a hidden plan in Robert's birthday gift to Richard?

The T-shirt, ostensibly depicting an upright violin, when investigated closer actually depicts a crucifix in a very Catholic design.

Maybe Robert is suggesting that Richard should 'take up the cloth' - no, not join him in the cleaning industry - but to join the priesthood.

The old guy has a good heart after all and has spent a lifetime of helping people - family, neighbours, friends and students. This, along with a liking of strong drink, driving like an old lady, speaking Italian and now no doubt, due to old age, adopting celibacy qualifies him for the role.

I'm not sure what the entry criteria is - whether a written or oral exam is required but, given the fact that the Catholic Church is likely struggling to find English speaking candidates, he should be a shoo-in.

Let's watch this space.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Ha, ha. When I started opening it I thought it was a cross too.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Good idea. We need more priests.