Tuesday 2 August 2022




Not everyone's cup of tea, Joy Division produced a couple of outstanding albums around 1980. I really like the music and still listen to it from time to time.

Why isolation?

The Old Girl's in Auckland all this week. She drove down Sunday and will be back Saturday. Because we only have one vehicle and because we live out in the 'wops' I'm isolated. I can't go into the local village or into town. I can't go to play golf or tennis. I'm stuck.

I could get the bike out and pump up the tyres but can't be arsed.

It got me thinking that we need another form of transport. I don't know if buying another car, truck or van is a good idea though as it would only be used on the rare occasions when one or the other of is is away with the car. I then thought of a motorbike.

I'm experienced in riding bikes as the following images show:

I mean, what could go wrong?


Richard (of RBB) said...

"I could get the bike out and pump up the tyres but can't be arsed."
There's your solution- get arsed.


Get .....

Richard (of RBB) said...

Only trying to help.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

"I then thought of a motorbike..."
No. They are expensive to buy. Have high registration and insurance costs. And you WILL fall off!
Go to Turners Auctions and get a little shopping trolley.


I can get a shopping trolley from the streams and the harbour in Whangarei.