Thursday 8 June 2023


 My back problem isn't as severe now and I'm moving a bit more freely.

Inspired by Richard's latest post I thought I'd tell you how today is shaping up.

The weather is great - it was cold at first this morning - well, cold for Whangarei at 13 degrees so I dressed warmly for tennis only to have to strip off two upper layers and my long track pants leaving me to play in shorts and T shirt. I took it easy but managed to play for the entire 3 hour session. I still feel OK.

I hadn't been to tennis for a month and while I was away someone erected a really nice macrocarpa bench-seat opposite the tennis club and overlooking the beach.

Back at home I fossicked in the deep freeze for a butter chicken pie (I buy these outstanding creations from the Italian bakery in Kaiwaka whenever I'm driving back from Auckland) but The Old Girl had eaten them all. Bummer! I made a vegetable and fruit drink instead for lunch (apple, carrot, Kiwi fruit, mandarin) which is no doubt better for me. Having 'pie' in my mind though I've decided to make a mince, carrot and peas pie for dinner.

I replaced the chain in the roller blind in the kitchen and reinstalled it. Surprisingly it's working well.

I'm still under instruction not to undertake any strenuous activity outside for fear of exacerbating the back problem prior to going down to Christchurch on the 21st. There are still some things I want to do - relay the front path, hitch up the trailer and take for a WOF and then load it up with garden and general rubbish for the tip, use the water-blaster on the house etc. so will have to settle for lighter in-door duties. I bought a couple of squares of 5mm heavy glass to flatten out some of the LPs that have a slight buckle. I'll give these a go under sunlight at first and, if necessary, put in a very low oven.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Grate post! I mean it!

No, that's not a spelling mistake or a grammatical slip up. It really was a grate post.


I put a lot of effort into writing it.

Actually, that’s not true.


"We should offer these moments up to Jesus, and think of His sorrowful passion."

Did Jesus have the same problem - someone having eaten all the pies when he wanted one? It was probably that bloody John the Baptist.

Richard (of RBB) said...

John the Pie Scoffer.

I'm sure that, at school, the priests referred to him as that.


Simon The Eatalot


Pontius Pielots.

Richard (of RBB) said...
