Thursday 27 July 2023



We often take many things for granted in our daily lives. Here are some examples:

Clean Water: Access to safe and clean drinking water is a basic necessity that many people in the world still lack, yet those who have it often take it for granted.

Electricity: The availability of electricity has become so ubiquitous in many parts of the world that we tend to overlook its importance until we experience a power outage.

Health: Being in good health and not suffering from major illnesses or disabilities is something many people take for granted until they face health challenges.

Technology and Communication: We often forget how remarkable it is to have instant access to information, communication with people worldwide, and advanced technologies that make our lives easier.

Education: In many developed countries, education is easily accessible, but not everyone has this privilege globally. We may not fully appreciate the opportunities that education provides.

Stable Government: Citizens of stable and democratic countries might take for granted the security and stability that their governments provide.

Family and Friends: We may not always realise the significance of the support and love we receive from family and friends until we face tough times.

Freedom: The freedom to express opinions, practice religion, and live without fear of persecution is often overlooked in societies where it's a given.

Natural Resources: Many of us don't fully appreciate the earth's resources and their role in sustaining our way of life until we see their depletion or scarcity.

Time: We often squander time without recognising its value until we face time constraints or the loss of loved ones.

Sunlight and Nature: Having access to sunlight, green spaces, and nature is essential for our well-being, but it's something we may take for granted in urban settings.

Access to Food: In some parts of the world, food scarcity and hunger are still significant issues. Those with easy access to food may not fully comprehend its value.

Safety and Security: Many people enjoy relative safety and security, not experiencing the constant threat of violence or conflict.

Transportation: Having access to various means of transportation enables us to travel freely and conveniently, but we may not realise its significance until we don't have it.

Privacy: In the digital age, privacy is increasingly difficult to maintain, but we might not fully appreciate its value until we feel our personal information is compromised.

Life jackets on planes: How many times have you listened to the safety instructions on a plane prior to take-off? How many times have you checked under your seat to see if there is actually one for you?


These are just a few examples, but there are countless other aspects of life that we may take for granted until circumstances change or we see how different life can be for others who don't have the same privileges.

Please feel feee to add, in the comments section, other things that you consider we take for granted*

* For example, I'm taking for granted that Robert will have read this even though there's no mention of him, the Virgin Mary, Jesus or  Holy Ghost in it.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Well, that just about sums up life.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Does god ever nudge you TC?


Well I’ve got severe hip pain so yes, maybe it was Robert’s god causing it.

Richard (of RBB) said...



No - I think you have your complicated Trinity characters mixed up there. Jesus was the bastard with unexplained parentage. God himself doesn't seem to have been born inside or outside of any marriage. No-one knows where that Holy Ghost guy came from - maybe a result of Onan spilling his seed all over the place. Perhaps Robert knows.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Due to multiple translations, the Holy Ghost was originally a guy wearing a white sheet full of holes.
John 33:27


I like that.