Wednesday 3 April 2024



Well it's happened faster than I thought it would.

AI burst on the scene a couple of years ago (even though computer algorithms have steadily been influencing our lives for decades) with Chat GPT becoming easily available to the average Joe and, of course educational institutes, governments, NGOs and businesses.

Now the programmes are becoming entrenched as business models and influencing decision making across the board. This might be good news for business and organisations looking to cut costs and/or increase profitability but is bad news for that average 'Joe' who wants a job.

Have a watch of this. It's funny as you'd expect from Jon Stewart but is also very telling and scary.

We are seeing massive layoffs of people already and it's only going to get worse. At the same time there is an unwarranted reliance on the effectiveness and the 'truthfulness' of AI generated information where it is getting to the point that observers and analysts use or are duped by analysis that is actually AI generated.

The scariest part of Jon Stewart's report was in the confused and uneducated responses from legislators and politicians - Senators and Congressmen - who should be in a position to control the headlong development and influence of AI but they naively entrust the job to the very clever fuck-wits like Mark Zuckerman and the CEOs of technology companies.

Talk about putting foxes in charge of henhouses.

A new title for Robert was mentioned in the Jon Stewart clip. No doubt he will change his blog ID soon.

Janitor = 'Doctor of Mopping'


Richard (of RBB) said...

Sorry, I was busy studying your last post.



Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

I thought I'd comment before I watch the video.


"I thought I'd comment before I watch the video."

Thanks Robert for remaining true to your christian/catholic principles - stating things before you know the truth or reality of a situation.


Richard - Richard - RICHARD! I suggest that you watch the Jon Stewart video clip. Who knows - you might like it.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

At least us moppers will have a job...except there will be no one using toilets or tea rooms or filling up rubbish bins...


Sounds good. That's the type of cleaning job I like.
Just turn up every day - it might take the/it years to cancel your contract.

Anonymous said...

Yous guys are tippicle of the problems we face!?
Just wate mateys&..

AI Gye