Friday 22 April 2022


 OK, we've had fun with religion, Robert's buggered off again and Richard has a hurtee hand so it's up to The Curmudgeon to keep this blogging community going.

I thought that a series of interviews with interviewees that haven't had a chance to put their stories forward might be a good idea. First up we'll talk with THAT dingo.


The Curmudgeon: Hi there do you mind if I call you John?*

John the dingo: Nah, no worries go for it mate.

The Curmudgeon: OK, er, John, um, you have had a lot of bad press in the past. How has that affected you?

John the dingo: Well, yeah, I mean, it wasn't expected yannow. I was just yannow doing what I usually do and then, yannow, all bloody hell broke loose. Strewth, it was like flat out like a lizard drinking.

The Curmudgeon: Yes, I see that. You probably weren't used to much attention before the, er, incident. So, tell us your side of the story.

John the dingo: Crikey! Mate, you're the first person who's asked that ya beauty. Fair suck of the sav I've seen all these drongos bullshitting about it. At first they said the sprog's mother did it and then they said I or my mates did and then they said the mother did it ... around and around. I was chasing my tail mate , and that's not one of them megaphones.

The Curmudgeon: Metaphor.

John the dingo: Meat for who?

The Curmudgeon: No, metaphor - where you say you're chasing your tail about but  you really weren't ... never mind.

John the dingo: I'm not. No worries mate.

The Curmudgeon: So, you've been following the events  then?

John the dingo: Can't help it mate. Those newspaper bozos have been here like cockroaches over a sugar-cube. Blah, blah, blah - they changed their minds so often it was like watching a Canberra polly order a takeaway.

The Curmudgeon: Ha ha .... so you think that they did a bad job?

John the dingo: Mate, they made a dog's breakfast of it - no pung intended.

The Curmudgeon: Pun.

John the dingo: What?

The Curmudgeon: Never mind. So Lindy's been finally believed - that a dingo did eat her baby. How do you feel about that?

John the dingo: Look, mate, fairs fair I have to tell ya - I did eat that baby.

The Curmudgeon: That's all we've got time for . Interview closed at 1:37.

* Not her real name


Richard (of RBB) said...

1/10 on Richard's Bass Bag* scale.

* the original bass bagging site


That's only slightly better than Robert's "I read it" comments.

You just squeak in to a 1/10 for comment.


Thanks for the tip Robert. That might guide me in selection of future interviewees.
Your obvious understanding of and sensitivity to Maoritanga and Kaitiakitanga issues, as evidenced by your past (and, sadly, deleted) posts will provide inspiration.