Saturday 11 April 2020


This lockdown is doing strange things to people with some having time on their hands to idly reminisce of times long past.

In Richard (of RBB)'s case he's wandered off to 1966 and his first year at St Patrick's College in Wellington. The old memory synapses are a but frayed and rusty though so there are gaps in his recollections, glaring errors and, of course, outright falsehoods.

It looks like this 1966 thing will be a series though so we'll track it with a fact checking ghost series kind of like what the major USA news channels have to do when fact checking Donald Trump's outrageous bullshit claims in his press statements.

One of the things Richard said in his latest - second in the series - 1966 posts was that he liked to look at girls on his way to and from school:
"In fact, sleeping and daydreaming were his two favourite subjects. He also liked watching girls from the bus - a safe distance."
There's nothing wrong with this of course as we all did this (or nearly all as some of the boys at college played for the other team) but Richard's image he used is a bit misleading.

Richard's claim that this is his image of looking at girls.

The Curmudgeons Inc.ⓒ has it on good authority (Richard's own admission in past posts) that Richard's favourite view of girls was this:

1 comment:

Richard (of RBB) said...

Look I was 5 at the time. 1957!