Sunday 3 April 2022


 Today we put the clocks back an hour because of the end of 'Summer Time' or as we call it in New Zealand 'Daylight Saving'.

I slept in and awoke to what should have been 7.45 but, with the change to the clocks was officially 6.45. That was good, I had 'more hours in the day' to do all my important stuff.

Here's the official ruling on daylight saving:

All good but, unfortunately, after nearly 100 years of daylight saving in New Zealand some old codgers and, to be fair, most younger people still get a bit confused about this.

See what two of the old codgers wrote today on their blogs:

Richard from Richard's Bass Bag

Robert from Robert the apologetic toilet cleaner (he must miss bits)

It's hard to decide whether to laugh or cry but then I adopt the Labour Government mantra and  'be kind' because, after all, these guys are getting on a bit.

The big problem though is that after many, many, many years of daylight saving which HAPPENS EVERY BLOODY YEAR! (sheesh) there is still a big percentage of the country (from all ages) who can't work it out.

The younger ones, who are as confused as any, have the advantage of living on their phones, computers and iPads and other SMART devices which automatically roll over to the new time setting so they can very soon get themselves organised. The old fuckers sorry codgers sorry people who rely on the time from their old wind up watches, the microwave, the car, or that old mantle clock are basically fucked. No doubt Richard and Robert will get themselves sorted by say, Easter, but they will have missed out on many important appointments ... other people will have missed out on meeting them in important business and social arrangements ...  on second thoughts good luck to them.

This does raise the question of the importance of this institution though. Just recently USA has decided to dump it.

I think that it's time for us to get rid of it and decide on a year round standard time.

Hey! What do you think? Obviously I'm asking that question of new and other readers of this blog as Richard and Robert are still trying to find their underpants to get dressed in their disoriented state.

1 comment:

Richard (of RBB) said...

Hey! Just found my underpants! When does daylight saving start, or finish?