Wednesday 22 June 2022


We've been getting some sensational sunsets recently. The word is that the atmosphere is full of dust particles from the recent Tonga volcanic eruption.

I've taken a few photos but haven't posted them because of criticism from some members of this blogging community that my posts lack substance and are pithy (not true of course).

Tonight though the scene was so dramatic that I couldn't help taking a snap (iPhone not my decent camera).

The naked eye rendered the scene in much greater detail with the burning reds overlaying the vibrant egg-yolk yellows, both reflected in the calm water of the bay and overlorded by the glowering dark clouds. Magic.

I hope that this isn't prescient, suggesting an end of something. It can't be the end of Robert's blog posts because they'd already gone. Richard's blog is still limping along even though he's forgotten to post recently - I hope that he pays more attention to changing his socks and underwear. Maybe it's foretelling something else.

More in  the next post.