Thursday 23 June 2022


  I know that readers of this blog will be shocked at the title of this post as they look up to The Curmudgeon as a beacon of truth, judgement and enlightenment.

In the past I've berated Richard (of RBB) for his dire choices of food, wine, art, literature, fashion, footwear and ...... well most things really and definitely including cinema. His love of action films is derisory and I have mentioned this and suggested some better films to seek out like The Conformist, Five Easy Pieces, A Clockwork Orange, Last Tango in Paris, La Dolce Vita etc.

Occasionally though, when The Old Girl is out of the room or preferably out of town or the country I dabble in 'the cinema of the low'. Yes, you heard it here - I watch Liam Neeson, Bruce Willis, Jason Statham and Arnold Schwarzenegger rubbish and sometimes enjoy it.

The Old Girl's in Auckland this week so last night, over a couple of glasses of wine and the forbidden potato chips I watched Die Hard 4.0 - a Bruce Willis film.

The funny thing is, that when I drove The Old Girl to the airport we were discussing why action and superhero films don't address the problem of computer scammers, hackers and phishers. I imagined Liam Neeson saying, on-line to a hacker - "I know who you are. I will find you and I will kill you." Wouldn't that be good? Well, blow me down, Die Hard 4.0 started like that with geeky computer hackers being blown up at their computers while trying to install Trojan-type viruses on other computer systems. Unfortunately this didn't carry through as a plot because the guy killing the geeks was himself a hacker and extortionist.

The film was basically crap and I don't know why I bothered. I just had to 'get it out of my system' like gorging on those potato chips I guess.


Richard (of RBB) said...

I honestly thought that the title was going to lead to, "I'm a fraud... I promised you good posts."


No, sorry about your confusion.

Richard (of RBB) said...

So, you're sticking with lousy posts? Come over to Richard's Bass Bag* for a free lesson.

* the original bass bagging site


"So, you're sticking with lousy posts? Come over to Richard's Bass Bag* for a free lesson."

No thanks, I can write my own lousy posts without learning how to write your kind of lousy posts.