Thursday 9 June 2022


 We all change in our lifetimes. Physical changes and ageing is obvious as is our change in knowledge and awareness but more subtle perhaps are our changes in preferences.

When I was young I liked Bournvita, Marmite, Chesdale cheese, instant coffee, two teaspoons of sugar in my tea, luncheon paste and chocolate. Nowadays my preferences are Milo. Vegemite, Colby and Havarti cheeses, espresso coffee, no sugar in my tea (and now only soy milk) and never touch luncheon meat especially not that stuff in jars we used to have on our sandwiches. I don't eat chocolate anymore.

In my early days at school I played soccer. In the 7th form I switched to rugby and from then on rugby became my preferred sport to watch. I used to like reading printed books and refused to buy a Kindle. Today I only read books on my iPad via the free Overdrive app. I used to razz Richard about his tate in films where he watched Bruce Willis andLiam Neeson macho dramas. Nowadays I eschew   film festival arty films and watch a lot of mindless action and thriller films.

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