Thursday 2 June 2022


When most people retire they adopt habits and hobbies that they might have developed during their working careers. They also might do voluntary or part-time work in their previous professions.

Richard of RBB is a case in point here. He does part-time teaching work and, as a previous schoolteacher he volunteers UNSOLICITED  advice about spelling, grammar and other literary faults he perceives in other bloggers' posts.

This got me thinking, as it does, as to what those comic super heroes will do when they retire.

Will Batman become a chimneysweep? 

Will Catwoman take up part-time rat-catching?

Does Spiderman's vertical climbing skills lend themselves to a future as a window cleaner or gutter fixer?

Is there a job there for Thor at Bunnings in the hammer section?

What will Flash do? Become a courier?

Maybe Superman could work for the council and use his super breath for leaf blowing.

Thinking about Superman, he'd better be careful in his dotage with his X-ray vision. He doesn't want to get arrested for being a dirty old man.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Good proofreading. Doesn't that feel better?

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

A few weeks ago as I walked up the drive of a client with a PhD who is now retired and was working in his front garden I (somewhat) boldly said "In the end, no matter how intelligent we are, we all finish up gardening". He looked up and gave a little (maybe) polite laugh. Later as I was cleaning his toilet he said "You forgot one thing". I looked around, a little ambivandly, and asked "What?". He said "Painting the house".


You want to watch that looking around a little ambivandly. People might get the wrong idea.