Saturday 3 December 2022


 Regular readers will know that The Curmudgeons Inc.ⓒ is made up of 16 'Curmudgeon' blogs and 11 associated blogs for which The Curmudgeon acts as editor. This is a big undertaking and carries a lot of responsibility in ensuring that the blog posts are regularly updated with fresh and relevant information.

Some old guy who lives in the backwaters of New Zealand obviously doesn't understand the meanings of responsibility and dedication and recently posted what to him was a humorous parody of my blogs.


I guess that humour hasn't developed in Wainuiomars over the last half a century as 'NOT' jokes are still in fashion along with fluffy tiger slippers and giggles over the name of the most popular wine brand there - Chardon.

I've never lived in Wainuiomars but once played a rugby game there where the inmates, the Wainiomartians chased the referee and one of our players off the field. It was like FIFA World Cup Football in Qatar. 

Anyway, back to The Curmudgeons Inc.ⓒ, I really must make more of an effort to write new posts. The task is greater than that undertaken by the other bloggers in the blogging community because we at The Curmudgeons Inc.ⓒ believe in the 'essays' having relevance along with structure. This consists of an introduction that presents the topic and thesis statement, a body containing in-depth analysis and arguments, and a conclusion wrapping up the ideas. To understand this it might be best to look at what an essay is NOT (see what I did there?). The best (or worst, depending on your perspective) way to do this is to read any of Robert's posts. These generally have no introduction that presents the topic, no thesis statement, a body containing arrant nonsense about Catholicism and the Catechism and no conclusion other than mention of what 'flavour' takeaways he's having for dinner. 

With 27 blogs to manage and edit, if I were to write one post on each per week there would be almost 4 posts a day for The Curmudgeons Inc.ⓒ followers to read. I'm actually up to the task, helped by The Old Girl being away and having access to the study but unfortunately the followers quite frankly don't have the reading abilities and concentration to keep up. I'm not a 'comments crank' like Richard is but it can be quite deflating to discover that a carefully crafted post does not receive a comment and may have gone unread.

Here's a repost of a relevant cartoon about this:

Thank your for reading - I'd better get on with writing and posting on the other blogs.


Anonymous said...

I prefer Richard's Bass Bag*.

Phillip Edward Nis

* the original bass bagging site

Richard (of RBB) said...

I hope you got a bottle of Chardon for Lynn.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Or a Cleanskin.


Yes, with a name like P.E.Nis I can see that you’ll get along with someone with ‘bag’ in his name.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

We need more blogs about Maria of Agreda!

Richard (of RBB) said...

Like we need circumcision and Father Minto in charge of an all boys' school.


"We need more blogs about Maria of Agreda!"

You read it here.
This is a never before written sentence or statement and never to be repeated.
If sentences had monetary value through rarity as stamps, paintings and precious metals do then Robert would be richer than Elon Musk.