Wednesday 1 June 2022



Another friend of ours has tested positive for COVID. She lives in Auckland and, last week, attended a work conference where no doubt she contracted it. The Old Girl 'dodged a bullet' as, last week she had planned to visit this friend, to stay in her house to look after her son and dog while the friend was at the conference. She cancelled this because I was in hospital.

Now this friend is an intelligent and responsible woman who does take precautions but somewhere along the line her guard must have dropped.

I use my mask all the time that I'm out in public, even at tennis. Often I'm the only one wearing a mask and I'm very disappointed to see that some retail outlets are not enforcing the use of them. Mask wearing isn't foolproof but, with a proper N95 mask the risks are reduced substantially.

Benefits of Wearing a Face Mask for COVID-19 Prevention

Whenever someone coughs, speaks, sneezes or breathes, they exhale tiny respiratory droplets. The smaller the particles, the longer the droplets remain suspended in the air. When these droplets are exhaled by someone infected with the COVID-19 virus, anyone nearby faces the possibility of exposure to the infected droplets and, thus, potential transmission of the virus. This process is known as airborne transmission.

Face masks can prevent or limit airborne transmission of COVID-19, as they create physical barriers against exhaled, virus-laden respiratory droplets. Masks can also protect uninfected wearers by forming barriers from their external environments and filtering unwanted particles from inhaled air.

          - Forbes Health 

I have been remiss recently though in not always using hand sanitiser after having been out and about. I must take more care.

New Zealanders as a whole must also take more care. There is a lot of laxity out there with people kind of assuming that the pandemic is over. Well, it isn't. Thousands of  new cases are  reported daily along with hospitalisations and deaths. There has been a rush to travel, to go to bars, restaurants and concerts and to socialise like there isn't a problem. We all need to wake up.

Simple and practical precautions (a good mask, hand sanitation, avoiding unnecessary contact and travel) should be a given. We all don't have to go around like Robert in his biohazard gear 

but please, wear a mask and USE SOME FUCKING COMMON SENSE!


Richard (of RBB) said...

Maybe if we all did some of that advance praying that Robert is suggesting?


Yes, it's kind of like the old 'lay-by' retail scheme.

In reality, this latest idea which I assume comes from his nutty church and its blind leaders is right up there with the stupidity and incomprehension of transubstantiation, ascension, assumption and the 'miracles'.
I did think that no more of this nonsense could be invented by the catholic church but I was wrong.

Richard (of RBB) said...

I'll pray for you some time in the future TC, but only if I've converted to Catholicism and 'the way of Brother Benedict.'

Richard (of RBB) said...

Otherwise, you're on your own.*

* and safer

Richard (of RBB) said...

Hey, the comments are building up!

THE WINE GUY said...


Bob said...

Sorry "mask's"



Richard (of RBB) said...

I've written a post to help you all.

No thanks needed.

THE WINE GUY said...

None given.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Still out of the office then?