Wednesday 28 December 2022


 Many years ago I used to make New Years' resolutions which, like most people's only lasted a few days or were never acted upon.

In this blogging community Richard usually resolves to do many thousands of hours practising his musical instruments. He starts of with a hiss and a roar, by mid-year is starting to worry if he can catch up and in the last quarter basically gives up.

"Only 1000 hours to go."

Robert I think, doesn't make any particular resolutions except for little promises to himself to say a few thousand prayers and responses, sometimes in Latin or Aramaic, that he's learned from his Big Book of Catholic Nutters. I wonder which hallucinating monk or insane nun he'll stumble on this year?

One of Saint Faustina Kowalska's erotic fantasies.

I doubt if I'll make any this year myself although I could commit to being more assertive - if that's allright with you guys.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Like your silly god?
Oh, no. That's right, he's a bit of a know all.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Though, he did put Fr. Minto in charge of lots of young boys. Some got to touch his cock. Did Minto learn that from god?

Richard (of RBB) said...


Richard (of RBB) said...

No need to thank for the comments TC.


OK, no problem.
I do think that you went off on a tangent there Still ... at least you went off eh.