Saturday 7 January 2023


 The rain has finally stopped after 5 days and nights. While it isn't exactly balmy and no blue skies can be seen, at least there's no storm anymore.

It's a great relief and people who've been shut indoors for a week are coming out to check the damage to their gardens, launch their boats to go fishing, going for walks and some idiots are going swimming.*

I guess this is how those (made-up) ark inhabitants felt after the 40 days of rain in the biblical flood. Most people in the world weren't affected though.

I'll venture out and do a bit of a tidy up - picking up branches and wind-blown debris. I'll also check under the house to see what water seepage we've had and curse the bloody drain-layer who hasn't replied to my messages.

It's The Old Girl's 68th birthday today. We've been together 34 years now so that's half of her life. Scary! I'm planning to make her a special birthday dinner and open a good bottle of Champagne but wait ... she's in Tasmania. Oh well, waste not want not - it's a good job that I'm making my favourite - schnitzel, roast potatoes and a broccoli/cauliflower cheese dish.

"Who cares Matey - I'll make my own fun"

I think our storm has gone down to Wellington to harass the Wainuiomartians and The Moeraites. Serve them bloody right. It'll give Robert something to complain about though like he complained that northerners had sent earthquakes down to bug him. He's becoming a bit of a curmudgeon these days. Old age I guess. At least mentioning his name ensures that he'll read this post.

"Bloody northerners"

* I don't swim after severe rainstorms as the agricultural run-off into the sea makes the water murky and possibly unhealthy with weedspray chemicals, fertilisers and road dirt.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Happy birthday Lynn!

Much love.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Peter seems to think the flood lasted only 40 days.
"The flood begins in 2458 BC and the total time Noah spent in the ark was 12 months, 17 days (377 Days)
Noah is commanded to enter the ark because the rain will start in 7 days. Most see Noah sitting in the Ark on a chair waiting the seven days, when in fact this was the cue to load the animals. Noah was busy fitting animals into the “nests” (Heb: qen)

During the first seven days before the rain came, Noah slept in the ark while he loaded the animals.

The actual flood time was 10 months or 300 days.

The waters rose for 5 months, or 150 days then peaked.

At the highest point the water was 15 cubits (309 inches or 25.75 feet or 7.85 meters) above the summit of Mt. Ararat which is 17,000 feet or 5100 meters.

At day 150 when the water was at its highest point, God began to drain the water and with a strong wind blowing down upon the area surrounding Mt. Ararat, forced the water away from the summit rock so the ark could come to final rest at 17,000 feet or 5100 meters above sea level. Ararat is the highest mountain in the entire Middle East. This explains why the other mountain peaks did not become visible until the water had dropped by at least 1000-2000 meters.
After the flood waters peaked, a second period of 150 days saw the water drain and recede for a total of 300 days". Copied from some random Google source. not the Catechism!

I do not know if this is true as the whole account of Genisis is "prehistory". But it is food for thought!



Taking of shit though Robert, since you seem to know a lot about this made-up story - where did old Noah take a crap? Maybe all that sitting about he was doing was on the crapper.
Seeing that you're good at research on this topic can you find out?
Richard will be interested too as he often bangs on about the ancient people in the bible needing to know a lot more on sanitation and positioning of latrines.
Thank your god for those Romans eh who came along and fixed a lot of the problems.


Lynn doesn't read my posts (thankfully) so I doubt that she will get that birthday message Richard as she's in Hobart. I'll take it though. I'm enjoying her birthday Champagne and will soon be tucking into her special birthday dinner so I might as well have the best wishes as well.
She sent me a text message today saying that she's bought me a new wallet because it's her birthday. She's like that which explains why I love her I guess.

Richard (of RBB) said...

How did the wombats make it to the ark?

Richard (of RBB) said...

I guess that if you were basically a good person living in somewhere like Malaysia you got a very raw deal too. "A huge flood! Who the hell caused this? Who made it happen? I don't think any of our gods were involved. They're all preaching peace and love."


Yes, too true - or as true as a fable could ever be.
I just don't get why christians don't use their common sense and ask them selves - "as the Bible only recognised a tiny area of land in the Middle East, what was going on in the rest of the world"?

Richard (of RBB) said...

Just watch your grammar TC.