Friday 20 January 2023



To continue with the Golden theme begun in our previous post, we have news to hand that an old bugger blogger from down south has won some award or other in the inaugural Golden Showers Awards.


We don't wish to take anything away from the old fella but it does seem that this is some kind of lifetime achievement award given due to longevity rather than quality. He has been blogging for a long time and, is the longest blogger in this community even if he's only 5 foot ten and a bit inches tall.


There was a bit of a scene at the awards ceremony last night and we have a transcript snippet here:

COMMENTATOR: ..... and Richard of Richard's Bass Bag (the number one bass bagging site) is coming up to the stage to receive the inaugural Lifetime Blogging Achievement Award which will be handed out by Pope Francis (Ex-Pope Benedict was supposed to hand this out but the lucky guy died last week).

POPE FRANCIS: Non possum credere me rogant ut hoc atheo huic tribuatur. ardeat in gehenna in aeternum, et opto sane fratrem Benedictum illum alium dickium antiquum ibi fuisse, sed infeliciter quod pederast ad coelum isse. Usquam, hic ineptum est iudicium tuum.

RICHARD (OF RICHARD"S BASS BAG): Oh, wow, thanks Your Majesty - WOW! I really appreciate this and would like to thank those people who've assisted in making this possible. There's Robert the apathetic sanctimonious sinner and toilet cleaner for one and, of course there's The Curmudgeon who .......

COMMENTATOR: Hold on folks. Thee's an imposing figure approaching the stage. He's climbing up onto the stage. He's approaching Richard (of Richard's Bass Bag) and ....

THE CURMUDGEON: Get my name out of your #**##*# mouth!

COMMENTATOR:  ...... er, we'll have to wrap this up now folks until we can get things sorted out with Richard. Richard? Richard? ........ Oh dear.

* "Golden shower (plural golden showers) A large, liberal bestowal of money or other financial benefits. (idiomatic, slang, originally US) The act of a person urinating on another, usually for the sexual gratification of one or both persons."  You can choose which one.


Richard (of RBB) said...

You didn't read my post properly.
Go and try again.


Ooo - bristly!
Maybe ‘Best Friction Writer Award is more appropriate.