Sunday 8 January 2023



The Old Girl wants me to go to Wellington with her at the end of the month. Her cousin, who has recently settled in Wellington has taken a 6 month contract in Hobart (The Old Girl is there visiting at the moment) had purchased tickets to see Sarah Millican (comedian) and gave them to her.

Millican is funny but often vulgar although there's nothing wrong with that - I'm vulgar and hate prissiness. I'm not sure that I like Sarah Millican enough to travel all the way to Wellington for though. There are some strange people living in Wellington.

"It's just a camera Rob - it's not trying to steal your soul."

We will have free accommodation in Wellington (the cousin's apartment) but given the short notice there aren't any cheap 'grab-a-seats' going and it'll cost quite a lot in airfares unless I find a budget airline.

Maybe I'll go by train. The Old Girl will fly though so It'll involve a bit of planning as we only have the one car to get from Whangarei to Auckland to meet connections.

Why can't life be simple?

1 comment:

Richard (of RBB) said...

Great post!

Great to hear someone thinking out loud.
Can you please share your next shopping list?