Wednesday 12 January 2022


 The Old Girl wants a trailer load of bark today.

OK, fair enough, it is our anniversary coming up so she deserves a treat.

Bark for the garden. Note: Richard would have used a silly picture of a dog. We at The Curmudgeons Inc.ⓒ are more sensible and have a refined sense of humour.

I'll soon hitch up the trailer and we'll be off to town to a large garden supply depot for a couple of scoops.

She also wants non-slip pavers - large ones. I hope that she doesn't want too many as they will be bloody heavy and I don't want to overload the trailer. 

Oh, did I mention that she wants trellis to build a kind of fence to screen off the area below the deck? We'll have to take measurements before we go.

It's a glorious day here - ideal for golf but I can't see that happening.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Don't forget to empty the trailer before you pick up the bark.

Woof, woof!


I wonder if there's another blogging community that I can join.

Richard (of RBB) said...

I honestly don't know of one that would let you in if you only have two readers.

Richard (of RBB) said...

I've just checked around. It seems that you need at least 500 readers even to get an audition. Look on the bright side, you're only 498 short.


So, about the same number of sandwiches that you're short of for a picnic then.