Sunday 2 January 2022


 It's the second day of the new year and we are well into 2022 - or, that's the way it seems at my age.

The guests left this morning and are on their way back to Wellington. They'll stay in Ohakune at a place called The Hobbit. "They have very short beds" I said and they did get the joke.

"Whew! No more cooking and cleaning for a while."

The Old Girl still has about 10 days left of her holiday and I hope that she relaxes and isn't tempted to start work too early. She worked hard last year and needs the time off.

No doubt Robert, another workaholic is itching to get his teeth back into work.

I wonder if he and his folks will be going camping this year. They usually go to Napier.

Richard is staying at home I gather although he could go to Himatangi and annoy Uncle Ben.

As for me, lazing around is my default setting so it makes no difference whether it's the holidays or any normal time of the year. I'll read my books, go for a walk when it's cooler and might even play some golf.

Have a good one,


Richard (of RBB) said...

Robert has gone up to Turangi to torture fish. It's just you and me for the next few days.


OK, but who will take up his religious mantle?
I suggest you as you have at least two religious guys in your gang while I only have one.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Jesus came down to Earth to offer us eternal life or eternal suffering. Maybe he should have just taken it six months at a time? You know, see how it pans out first. I love you Peter.*

* not really


Robert (a poem)

"I love you Robert" said Jesus "and if it wasn't for this damned cross ..."
"I love you too, Jesus, but please don't be cross".
Robert was going deaf you see, he put it down to the noisy polisher.
Jesus was distracted by pain but said "Robert I'm a fisher ..... of men
Old Robert misheard again and said "I'll too be a fisherman".
So there it was - Robert went to Turangi
And as for Jesus he was left hanging.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Hurry back Robert! The Curmudgeon is lonely.