Tuesday 8 August 2023


Regular* readers will have noticed The Curmudgeons Inc.ⓒ use of links to previous posts to stimulate interest. We are aware of the power of the 'click' and the incredible drawcard it represents. "What's it going to show?" and "Oooh, I bet that one will be good" I hear you thinking. This of course is just one more 'string to our bow' (not a musical expression) that we employ as the number one series of blogs in this blogging community. No need to thank us.

What is clickbait you might ask. Here's an excerpt from Wired - 'Psychology of clickbait'

"Anticipation Is Making You Click

So clickbait employs a number of effective cognitive tricks to get clicks. Fine. But even if readers rely on emotion and cognitive ease when choosing headlines, that still doesn't explain why clickbait continues to work. Fool-me-once logic should mean that their effectiveness goes down as exposure goes up. How many cheap emotional ploys, false promises, and empty listicles and quizzes can a person endure? A lot, it turns out.

Research has shown that humans are quite willing to put up with massive amounts of disappointment and frustration so long as there's an occasional payout. And yes, sometimes clickbait does deliver these payouts ..."
If you want more I suggest that you search the internet thingy.

* And even the irregular readers - or reprobates. 


Richard (of RBB) said...

Where's my prize?


See the response on the previous post.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

I just got four likes and three comments...everybody must love me! But then the woman at Church ignored my nod. I'm nothing. I'm a failure.

Richard (of RBB) said...

No. She's the one with the problem.


Can you send me a Gif of that nod? I'd like to check it out before passing judgement.