Sunday 30 January 2022


 I see that Richard's Bass Bag is back to normal. Well, when I say normal that probably gives the wrong impression as there's nothing 'normal' about this blog. Perhaps I should just say "Richard's Bass Bag is back".

He's begun incarnation #4 with a kind of fable - one that's guaranteed to warp the minds of the young and future generation. I don't know what hallucinogenic drugs Richard is on but they must be a doozy. Robert gets his hallucinogenia from the Catechism and sermons at Mass on Sundays so probably can't give us insights (or very realistic ones) as to what Richard ingests.

Richard talks about life in the year 2076. I think that the year is significant because 1976 was the year that he entered the teaching world. In the new fantasy series Richard mentions schoolteachers and alludes to their 'craziness'.

The crazy women who get involved with these quizzes never tire of hearing that reply and they never seem to realize (sic) that everyone is getting the same reply. Many years ago these women were schoolteachers, which was a bit worrying, but there are no schoolteachers now.

It's telling that he laments that schoolteachers no longer exist in 2076 and this may indicate his feelings of loss now that, 46 years after entering that profession, he has retired.

People in 2076 wear strange clothes that are a bit like what children wear at birthday parties in 2022:

I guess that, if there were schoolteachers in 2076 they would look like this, as no doubt Richard looked like in 1976:

To save readers possible trauma from reading the current and pending posts by Richard on this current saga I will report on the outcomes for you.

Stay posted.


Richard (of RBB) said...

At the very, very least my new saga is giving you something to write about that isn't bloody gardens and paving stones.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Why didn't Robert make a judgment?