Monday 13 March 2023


Regular readers of this blog will have noticed that I am against vaping, seeing it as a vehicle used by Big Tobacco to addict and acquire new users of tobacco and associated products. Here's what I've said previously:





Generally I've been sympathetic towards the dupes who take up vaping but, as time goes by and more information is made publicly available about the dangers of vaping I'm becoming less sympathetic. Basically they are as stupid as cigarette smokers and are losers.

I listened to a very good interview on Radio New Zealand (Nine To Noon show) on 10 March

A group of health professionals and educators is calling for New Zealand to follow Australia's lead and make vapes prescription only. According to a study by the anti smoking group ASH, over 250,000 New Zealanders vape daily. Another survey of 19 thousand secondary school students, by the Asthma and Respiratory Foundation, found that more than a quarter of them had vaped in the last week - nearly 20 per cent vaping daily or several times daily - and the majority with high nicotine doses. In Australia vapes are prescription only - for people trying to quit cigarettes. However experts there say the system has many loopholes and further regulation is urgently needed.

Kathryn  Ryan spoke with Curtin University Professor of Public Health Jonine Jancey, whose latest research looks at the slick marketing tactics and claims by online vape retailers; and University of Sydney School of Public Health associate professor Becky Freeman who leads the Generation Vape research project.

This is worth listening to for anyone who vapes or who has friends or family members who vape.


I won't paraphrase this interview - either you're interested or not but there are some alarming facts in it. For example the approaches to a growing problem are quite different as taken by Australian authorities and New Zealand ones. In new Zealand we are allowing young people to easily access vaping materials even though health experts are against it. The regulations as to content of vaping materials are weak so that most imported crap has nicotine content even though the packaging makes no mention of it.. Honestly it makes me want to spit and I'm not even using the shit. 

Is vaping safe? Are there proven problems? No and yes as this very interesting video will show you.

1 comment:

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

I'll watch the video later, but it is a no brainer that sucking in vapour to your lungs with a mind-altering drug ain't going to do you no good!