Saturday 4 March 2023


 I don't pretend to be as busy as some people claim to be but I have been up and at 'em early this morning.

We went for a walk along our closest track around the bay, inspecting the cyclone damage to the road, the track and the trees which will take a long time to be remedied no doubt as the council has more pressing concerns. I was pleased to see that my favourite tree at the top of the walk was undamaged.

I haven't been on this walk since before the cyclone and saw some new things including these:

I'm not sure whether the storm carried them in or not ...

After the walk I went for a swim (a long dip) in the bay as the water was completely still. It was refreshing and I stayed in for longer than usual.
It's remarkably quiet here today which is strange for a Saturday. Normally there's the sound of tractors launching boats, the boat motors, children swimming and laughing and of motor mowers and weed-eaters. It's eerie - kind of like that stillness before an earthquake or a thunderstorm.

Maybe I'll write a couple of posts while The Old Girl is working in the study.


Richard (of RBB) said...

"It's eerie - kind of like that stillness before an earthquake or a thunderstorm."
My mum often used to talk about earthquake weather. Very unscientific. At least she didn't keep birds locked up in cages.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

I prefer volcanoes who just do their thing, spilling up mega tonnes of hot ash and lava!


"I prefer volcanoes who just do their thing, spilling up mega tonnes of hot ash and lava!"

Tell that to the survivors from the Whakaari / White Island eruption.

Hold on though, as Wellington harbour is a flooded volcano you might get your wish some day.