Monday 27 March 2023


 An annoying old guy from Wainui

Kept ....

... no, we used Limericks last week. I said that we'd change out poetic styles each week so maybe the sonnet or haiku is next but ... I'd better tell you what I've been up to. I've been busy today and worked up a sweat - (T shirt is on its way to either Richard or Robert).

I had to go into town shopping for groceries (including some forbidden items like potato chips as The Old Girl is away), wood-filler and Adirondack Cape Cod chairs (couldn't find any). I then set up the ladders to fill-in nail holes and paint the patch of ceiling (14 ft high) where the wood-burner flue was removed and a metal plate inserted. I applied a couple of coats of white paint and tomorrow will sand it and the filler down and apply another and  final coat. Job almost done.

It was hot and I had the heat pump going (set at 16 degrees) which kept me nice and cool so maybe the T-shirt won't be sweat stained after all. We've been enjoying lovely weather over the last week and seem to have finally got our Summer. Beudy!

I'll sign off now and, in the style of Robert the ... you know, tell you what I'm cooking for tea.

Roast chicken.

Sausages and pasta with sauce.

Roast lamb and reconstituted mashed spuds.

Ham off the bone and Watties mixed veges.

Kumara and orange pasta (Pasta Siciliana).

1 comment:

Richard (of RBB) said...

These posts are certainly pulling in the readers!
