Tuesday 21 March 2023



I like feedback - it can be helpful to hone blogging skills.
Richard kindly mentioned this blog in his latest post. He tried to couch his criticism in poetic verse, bless him. Robert's god loves a trier I guess:

Peter's now the
Post police,
He bangs them out but
Some are brief.
Ever since I have been born,
I haven't found
Such need to yawn.
Well, there you go,
I'm back on track,
I hope there'll be
No looking back,
As TC grumbles even more
About posts not going
Out the door.
The picture he posts
May be grey but
At least it fills in
Some of his day.
Writing a post won't
Bring you gold but
It'll fill in time
As you get old.

It's right up there with works by William Mcgonnagal and Robert the sanctimonious sinner, toilet cleaner, and threatener of eternal damnation (don't ask) so will likely not be hailed in future poetry volumes.

I did like this bit though and have added it to this blog's Home Page.

"Writing a post won't
Bring you gold but
It'll fill in time
As you get old."

1 comment:

Richard (of RBB) said...

I'm famous! What's your readership like? 3,000? 65,000?

What do you mean? 2?

And I'm one of them?