Friday 10 March 2023


 Well, there was a flash and I jumped.

I took the trailer around to my sister's place this morning to clear the way for the drain-layers who (hopefully) might turn up next week.

I parked and secured the trailer, getting saturated at the time as it had started to rain heavily. I grabbed an umbrella out of the car and headed up the drive to check my sister's holiday house when ⚡FLASH⚡ - the panels of my umbrella lit up and my legs and boots were illuminated. Immediately afterwards there was an almighty thunderclap. I dropped the umbrella and sprinted to the porch for shelter.

I don't know how close the lightning flash was to me but it was eerie the way the umbrella lit up. I hadn't realised there was a thunder storm brewing - this was the first of many flash-bangs. While I waited for it to pass I wondered if Robert's god or even Richard's new found deity Bent had anything to do with this. If they did the'd either missed or were giving me a warning.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Brent says it was just a warning. He's* more worried about Robert's behavior in the Presbyterian church.

* cock or no cock


Maybe Bent should hide in a cupboard in that Presbyterian church and surprise Robert when he opens it to snoop.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

My "god" is unknowable. and outside of time. Just an electrical discharge. Completely explainable by natural laws.


"My "god" is unknowable. and outside of time."

Sounds like the lyrics from a Rolling Stones song.

"You're out of touch, my baby
My poor discarded baby
I said, baby, baby, baby, you're out of time".

Anonymous said...

I like that.