Friday, 31 March 2023


 " ... to Angellucci's for my coffee beans..."

This has to be my favourite Dire Straits song - indulge me.

The stepping machine arrived today so I spent a good chunk of the afternoon assembling it.

They're pretty complicated especially when following small diagrams showing hundreds of components but .... I got it done. The old Girl will be pleased and may overlook my bogging and painting efforts.

The spare lounge is starting to look like a gym.

I can wish ...


 I've posted about AI and ChatGPT before.

Here are some links .... just kidding.

Well, it's not just me who's worried about the potential dangers of the very rapid growth of AI programmes and the way that they are infiltrating all aspects of life. 


"Artificial intelligence labs have been urged by Elon Musk and numerous other tech industry figures to stop training AI systems more powerful than GPT-4, OpenAI’s latest large language model.
In an open letter signed by Musk and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, technology leaders urged for a six-month pause to the development of such advanced AI, saying it represents a risk to society."

This is a bit like life imitating art. Remember the Terminator film series where robots take over the world?

Well, it seems that we aren't far off that now. ChatGPT and its 'brothers' are replicating faster and in ways unknown to even the creators.

“Contemporary AI systems are now becoming human-competitive at general tasks, and we must ask ourselves: Should we let machines flood our information channels with propaganda and untruth?” the letter read.

“Should we automate away all the jobs, including the fulfilling ones? Should we develop nonhuman minds that might eventually outnumber, outsmart, obsolete and replace us? Should we risk loss of control of our civilization (sic)

This scares me and I'm no pussy - I attended two Prowse Brothers concerts!

I'll keep an eye on this for the others in this blog community because I suspect there will be a lot of fast moving developments on this.

Thursday, 30 March 2023



I don't like to brag but so far - and it's only Thursday, I've written 11 posts this week (12 including this one).

You don't get volume, variety and quality like that much in this blogging community - certainly not from those other jokers.

Robert's only written five so far and Richard is struggling to keep up having squeezed out just nine.


 I like to read and, using OVERDRIVE and LIBBY apps on my iPad I can access thousands of titles in all categories and get to read (free) both contemporary and older literature.

This doesn't stop me from re-reading titles in our bookshelves though.

Every few years I decide that it's time to re-read series of books from Tolkien, Le Carre. Pynchon, Dickens, Joyce, Donleavy etc. and, this time Hergé's (Georges Prosper RemiTintin is due for a re-reading.

I got out all the books in the series and will start reading this weekend.

I like Tintin 'comics' even though, in recent times they have been criticised for racism, right-wing politics and a whole lot of other bad things but, to apply 'new' standards to all art and literature would mean that most of what has been produced before would have to be scrapped. 

We have a small Tintin poster on the wall in the snooker room.

The more observant reader will have noticed that I used a Tintin reference in my previous post about Vodafone.

Thank you for your attention, which I know is limited but I included several images to help.


Look, you know me, I don't like to moan but ... look at this:



The name New Zealand isn't a brand name to be picked up by every Tom. Dick or Harry to use for commercial purposes. It's my home!

Fuck 'em. They are a shitty service provider and think that with a name change people will forget all of the problems that they've had in the past with connections, contracts, billing and service. Well matey, I won't. I had bad experiences with this company and found it difficult to get resolutions.

Hello from the other side (other side)
I must've called a thousand times (thousand times)

Wednesday, 29 March 2023








 I 'attacked' the kitchen window that had a bit of rot in the bottom corner this morning.

Bogging, sanding and painting. It's not exactly invisible mending but ... The Old Girl's away and a carefully positioned vanilla stick holder might disguise it. Here's hoping. 

A job needs doing?

It needn't be done perfect 

I'm a handyman.

Tuesday, 28 March 2023




 .... yes, I always misheard that lyric ...

Now some knockers might rate this post as a filler but then, that's just because they have fillings on their brain today.

As I mentioned earlier, I completed the ceiling  painting today.

Removal of the fireplace and flue, and installation of a metal plate where the flue went up through the ceiling left some gaps and the need for some paint touch up.

I set up a ladder to go to the ceiling (maximum extension) and then remembered what The Old Girl had said to me:

"I'm not happy with you going up on ladders when I'm away Matey. I don't want to come home and find you dead on the floor for a week."

Yes, think of the mess!

So I set up another ladder next to it so I could lean on one while standing on the other.

Surprisingly this worked.

I had initially set up both ladders as trestles at their maximum extension and used a metal plank between them but when standing on it I felt a bit giddy and took The Old Girl's advice. I used this set up when changing the lights in the snooker room and can find a link to an old post about this if you want. No problem. Just let me know.

Anyway, job done even if the paint colour wasn't a perfect match for the ceiling boards but as long as The Old Girl doesn't turn on the main lights (she prefers the stand lamps like most women) then I'm 'home and hosed'.

I'm sorry that I didn't take a photo of the raw patch but here's a pic of the patch now Take my word for it - it is much better.

I put the couch back and voilà - oops, sorry, I forget that 100% of readers didn't attend 'P' classes at school ...


So far, as an old schoolteacher, musician and nag said - I haven't lived up to the promise of writing lots of posts under the many Curmudgeon guises. Mea culpa.

Today I played tennis in the morning and then went for a swim. The water is fresh on entering but with the sun beating down and being hot after exercise is worth enduring. I stayed in for a while.

I usually swim up to and including Easter so this year may not be so different. The awful summer has moved now into a quite lovely autumn. I hope that it lasts and that the tropical cyclones don't appear again.

I just completed sanding and painting the ceiling patch in the rear lounge. It looks quite good as long as there's no close inspection. I'll clean up and put the couch back so The Old Girl doesn't get a chance to look too closely.

I just remembered that it's haiuku week so here goes:

A beautiful day today
Summer or autumn?
It will be cold soon

Monday, 27 March 2023


 An annoying old guy from Wainui

Kept ....

... no, we used Limericks last week. I said that we'd change out poetic styles each week so maybe the sonnet or haiku is next but ... I'd better tell you what I've been up to. I've been busy today and worked up a sweat - (T shirt is on its way to either Richard or Robert).

I had to go into town shopping for groceries (including some forbidden items like potato chips as The Old Girl is away), wood-filler and Adirondack Cape Cod chairs (couldn't find any). I then set up the ladders to fill-in nail holes and paint the patch of ceiling (14 ft high) where the wood-burner flue was removed and a metal plate inserted. I applied a couple of coats of white paint and tomorrow will sand it and the filler down and apply another and  final coat. Job almost done.

It was hot and I had the heat pump going (set at 16 degrees) which kept me nice and cool so maybe the T-shirt won't be sweat stained after all. We've been enjoying lovely weather over the last week and seem to have finally got our Summer. Beudy!

I'll sign off now and, in the style of Robert the ... you know, tell you what I'm cooking for tea.

Roast chicken.

Sausages and pasta with sauce.

Roast lamb and reconstituted mashed spuds.

Ham off the bone and Watties mixed veges.

Kumara and orange pasta (Pasta Siciliana).


 Well, perhaps a little bit.

Fellow bloggers Richard and Robert both, by their own admission suffer from some form of social anxiety. I have some good news for them. See:


The report says:

Sniffing other people's body odour might be useful in therapy for social anxiety, say Swedish researchers who have started tests with volunteers.
The scientists have been using armpit sweat in their experiments.
Their hunch is the smell activates brain pathways linked to emotions, offering a calming effect - but it is far too soon to say if they are right.

Well, I'm willing to help out. I am happy to send them both an old T-shirt or two after I've played tennis, golf or used the exercise machine. No problem.*

* The Curmudgeons Inc.ⓒ take pride in offering a comprehensive and holistic service to our readers.

Sunday, 26 March 2023


  It's a lovely Sunday morning. I was up early(for me) at 4.30 to take The Old Girl to the airport as she's off to Sydney for 10 days.

Being Sunday a religious post is in order so The Religious Curmudgeon has stepped in it up: 


Saturday, 25 March 2023





... shore, but this time I don't mind.

As you know I usually complain about the noise that jet-skiers make when careening around our bay - bastards! I hate them.

Today the annual powerboat races are on in the harbour and they're, well, noisy. For some reason though I don't mind the noise they make as it seems they have a purpose.

For Richard.

Like motor car and motorbike races they travel on a planned path and race each other to find a winner.

I walked along the bush track at the end of our road to the top point which gives a magnificent view over the harbour.

From here I could see the course 'mapped out' and waited for the start of a race. It was very pleasant waiting in the morning sunshine and there were a few others there as well. I used my phone to video parts of the race, see here: 

All very exciting.


I remembered when writing this that I've used 'NOISES OFF' as a post title a few times before. If you're interested, here they are.





 ... I  agree with Kaipara's mayor on his ban on karakia at council meetings.


I posted a few years ago how I was annoyed that 'grace' was used before lunch at a council meeting I attended: HOLY SHIT.

The karakia is the same. I don't care what religion or denomination is involved. Forcing prayers on people who don't agree with the sentiment is an invasion of privacy and no different than if standing in front of a group and berating them.

While not exactly 'on point' this cartoon is, nevertheless, funny.

Friday, 24 March 2023


The Curmudgeon posts you know about, no doubt having pored over them all week.

The Music Curmudgeon will soon be releasing a new post and, no doubt, the other Curmudgeons will be inspired to write as well.

The Old Girl is off to Sydney on Sunday for 10 days and you know what that means? Yes, access to the study and the main computer will be restored. This generally means a flurry of curmudgeonly blogger activity. I know that you can't wait.

So, what's been hapenning on the other guys' blogs?

Richard went all anti-aesthete this week and banned poetry from his blog. The poor old guy (failing memory) immediately forgot this and not only allowed poetic comments but actually published some poems himself - AFTER IMPOSING THE POETRY BAN! Go figure.

What's next? A ban on art, literature and music? Time will tell. His posts, apart from moaning about poetry had some arcane musical references in them. "What's wrong with that?" you might naively ask. Well, read this then:

I restarted working on Variation 9 from the 24th. Caprice yesterday.
No, silly! On the violin!
That's the one with the left hand pizzicato. I found a great way to practise it! I won't bore you with the details. They say not to practise left had pizz. for long periods, at first, because it can give you blisters. After years and years of double bass practice my fingers have strong callouses, so no problems there. It's going really well - I might slot this variation into my May concerts, if I'm happy with the way it turns out.
You did ask. You can't unread that now.

The big news about Robert's blog this week is that he changed its name from Robert the apathetic sanctimonious sinner and toilet cleaner to Robert the apathetic sanctimonious sinner, toilet cleaner, and threatener of eternal damnation. Exciting? It's better than the content of his posts though which predictably has him roasting chickens, praying, supporting anti LGBQT lobbyists and confusing everybody about politics and economics.

Oh wait - Robert is also continuing with his daily dipping in a children's paddling pool as some sort of religious ritual associated with an arcane Catholic Church festival. Lent I think - or was that Loaned? I guess we should be thankful he's not an Inca sacrificing children and virgins at the top of the Wainuiomata hills.

Thursday, 23 March 2023


Richard's Bass Bag - the other blog - has banned poetry. This is like the burning of books in Nazi Germany or by The Roman Catholic Church through the ages. Neither wanted free speech to interfere with their propaganda and both are/were fascist ... which leads me to a poem.

For the next few days and posts the Limerick will be the poème du jour.

An anti-aesthete and bassist

Told his brother Robert he's racist

He was being a 'dick'

Because his brother's a 'mick'

So he's not a racist but a fascist


Wednesday, 22 March 2023


I've been a bit vociferous in recent posts, comments and comments on other's posts so it's time to be nice.

Here's something very nice:

It's a pottery plate given to Lynn by Richard and Shelley. It's made by Shelley's late brother Steven Scholefield who had a remarkable talent. Thanks Richard and Shelley.

The plate came with a wall attachment and we looked about the house for the best place to display it but there was nothing appropriate where it can be seen to best advantage.

Lynn likes to use surfaces (I maintain that if I stayed still long enough she'd put a pot plant on my head) and there are some special surfaces where treasures are displayed - hey! I just thought of a new post series. Anyway, Lynn selected a spot for Steven's plate by removing a little fragile bowl with additions that was given to us by one of my nieces. She made this as part of her final submission for her honours art degree some years ago. This has been reassigned to another hall table elsewhere in the house.

The plate is on one of the three 'hall' tables we have - this one is in the lounge where, I must say it looks really good. I default to Lynn on these decisions because she has better taste than me - well, she did choose me as a partner.


 An awful anti-trans gender activist and instigator, Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull aka Posie Parker is in the news after causing disruption in Australia that verged on violence and is scheduled to do the same here in NZ.

When I heard of this I immediately thought that Robert would approve of her nasty and dangerous opinions given that they are a match for his own reactionary, 'head-in'the-sand' christian views on marriage, gender roles and sexuality.

Guess what? I wasn't disappointed. Robert of course, on cue wrote this:

I read this and thought about it and then wrote this comment:

I then thought about my comment and wondered if it was too abrupt, too rude and a bit unfair.


Stupidity deserves to be shocked in order to make the commenter think about what they've said.

I might be just reading things into this but I think that it did shock Robert because in his very next post he wrote this:

I don't believe that my comment has made him re-think his (or his parish priest's) views on transgender rights but it did have some sort of resonance. Maybe I just have to keep bombarding him and, like a rock under pressure of water, wear him down so that he'll change.

I just hope that the rock isn't like Sisyphus's one though.

Tuesday, 21 March 2023


Richard has taken on Robert's challenge in making up poems and I must admit that some of his stuff is pretty good especially his latest effort. It reminds me of John Cooper-Clark'e work (Manchester beat/pop poet - check him out on-line).

Robert's influences are still William McGonagall, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and C.S. Lewis with a bit of Trent Horn thrown in.

Anyway, after Richard's slagging off of me in a poem here's one right back at him in Cooper-Clarke's style:

There's an old man at home, sitting all alone, In his worn-out armchair, a place he calls his throne. With his fiddle in hand and his slippers on tight, He settles in for the evening, everything just right.

His stories are old, but he tells them with pride, Of times long gone and the people who've died. He remembers his gigs like the back of his hand, And especially the few, with the Prowse Brothers band.

He's seen his fair share of troubles and strife, But he's still here, living his best life. His body is frail, but his mind is still sharp, He's got a lot of life left, no need to harp.

The world has changed, but he's stayed the same, A constant in a world of flux and flame. He takes it all in stride, never losing his cool, A wise old man, a cherished jewel.

So here's to the old man, sitting at home, In his worn-out armchair, never alone. May he live a long life, full of joy and cheer, And when his time comes, may he have no fear.



I like feedback - it can be helpful to hone blogging skills.
Richard kindly mentioned this blog in his latest post. He tried to couch his criticism in poetic verse, bless him. Robert's god loves a trier I guess:

Peter's now the
Post police,
He bangs them out but
Some are brief.
Ever since I have been born,
I haven't found
Such need to yawn.
Well, there you go,
I'm back on track,
I hope there'll be
No looking back,
As TC grumbles even more
About posts not going
Out the door.
The picture he posts
May be grey but
At least it fills in
Some of his day.
Writing a post won't
Bring you gold but
It'll fill in time
As you get old.

It's right up there with works by William Mcgonnagal and Robert the sanctimonious sinner, toilet cleaner, and threatener of eternal damnation (don't ask) so will likely not be hailed in future poetry volumes.

I did like this bit though and have added it to this blog's Home Page.

"Writing a post won't
Bring you gold but
It'll fill in time
As you get old."


Why do poems have to rhyme?
Well, they don't, not every time.
It's polite though, when writing verse
To use poetic rules, what could be worse?
Oh, I know all about William McGonnagal
And Robert wot rites pomes et al
But they are exceptions not the rule
Don't copy them, don't be a fool.
Put your big boys pants on to write an epic
Unless you want readers who are apoplectic.

Monday, 20 March 2023


 Yes, what I feared is soon to happen - kitchen alterations.

You will remember that I posted on this a couple of years ago. If not, here's a link to the post: NEW KITCHEN

I thought that I'd managed to defer this plan, having dropped subtle hints at the silliness of overcapitalisation if, in the future we sell the house and downsize to a smaller and more manageable one.

No such luck.

Yesterday The Old Girl brought it up again when we were sitting in the kitchen.

We must stop sitting in the kitchen.

I'm not that much against the idea of altering the kitchen, especially now that there's a looming global financial crisis and money in the bank is at risk anyway. Also, The Old Girl's Kiwi Saver funds are not increasing and probably going backwards so she wants to cash them in. This will more than pay for a decent new kitchen and appliances.

No, that's not the problem.

The problem, to me is the hassle and disruption that will be caused by having builders, plumbers, electricians and Uncle Tom Cobley stomping around for weeks making noise dust and mess.

"Let's rip out that wall - we can make more noise, dust and mess that way."

I know that it took ages getting the new kitchen French doors installed so fear that a total kitchen renovation could drag on for months,

No doubt The Old Girl will want to coincide this with her sojourn in Christchurch this year (3 months from May to August) leaving me with Old Tom and his mates.

I'm glad that we  didn't remove the smaller kitchen at the other end of the house now.

Sunday, 19 March 2023


 Nothing much of interest happened blog-wise this week.

Let's check up on Robert. That sounds a bit like that film We need to talk about Kevin.

Let's hope that Robert doesn't get that bad. While Richard and I give Robert a hard time about his religion we have to remember what Karl Marx was misquoted as saying - "Religion is the opiate of the masses" and that it keeps him 'sedated' I guess.

So what has Robert been up to the last week?

I'd say "well done with frequency and keeping to the (unwritten) rules of the community of at least a post a day.

Unfortunately, closer investigation of the posts reveal an odd fixation for immersing himself in cold water which is new and an addition to his other fixations. As long as this doesn't interfere with his 'opiate' addiction then OK but I do worry that immersion in cold water might wake him up and then we might all be in trouble.

Let's check out what Richard has been doing:

Frankly I'm surprised as I thought that the old guy had fallen off the wagon in terms of frequency but the post titles suggest that he has produced seven posts in the last seven days (unless that 'Another Bloody Sunday' one is for a Sunday of weeks ago.

Welcome back to 'the bag'.
Update from the bag.
Richard (of RBB) goes to confession.
Good morning.I'm off to a jam this afternoon. A B...
Brent Godfella.
It's almost bass practice time.
Another bloody Sunday.

Now as you know, I'm a very busy man with lots of blogs to update, living with a demanding woman and trying to be a pillar of the community so I don't have time to read and paraphrase Richard's posts but one that I do recall - 'Welcome back to 'the bag' - does resonate. Richard told us that he was spending a fortune on dental work. Now this I approve of as good dental hygiene is important for health and for social interaction but, many people don't know this, poor dental hygiene not only means that you have teeth problems (abscesses, cavities etc) but can contribute to heart disease, renal problems and bowel disorders!
"Shelley bought a Lotto ticket today. It might be something to do with the $15,000 bill I am about to incur for dental work. Holy Hell! It made me think of this next situation."

$15,000! Wow. For that sort of money we can be expecting something of a transformation.

Not a villain like this:

But hopefully a super-hero - 'Teeth Man: